Romagosa & Partners provide reports in the following areas:

Property, family, and matrimonial expert reports
Quantification of the usual ordinary expenses of the children to determine the amount of alimony.
We calculate the possible compensatory pensions for the spouses, as well as we value the labor imbalance due to historical dedication.
Reports for the valuation of the assets of each spouse and their origin, issuing a proposal for division and adjudication, as well as economic compensation if necessary.
Financial expert report
R & P analyze the complexity and suitability of financial instruments and products for investors.
We value investment service companies and study the feasibility of investments.

Economic, accounting and business expertise
Valuation and verification of the evolution and economic trajectory of a company or business, as well as the fulfillment of contractual obligations and economic and corporate crimes that may result from poor management.
Economic damage appraisals: loss of profits, consequential damages, etc
We value economically the expenses and losses incurred by a contract cancellation, interruption of service or malicious act.
Quantification of the investment costs, as well as the real and effective losses resulting from a cessation of activity.

Valuation of companies and trademarks
We carry out valuation reports of companies in economic and family proceedings. We verify their financial status and advise on the feasibility of sale and purchase.
Valuation of business plans and start-ups.
We issue expert reports on the valuation of tangible and intangible brands.
Real estate expert appraisals
We carry out appraisals and valuations of apartments, offices, real estate transfers, hotels, as well as rural and urban exploitations.
Proposals for division, separation, and adjudication of inheritances.

Mortgage appraisals
We quantify the excess cost of interest paid on mortgages due to the application of the floor clause, use of the interest rate linked to the IRPH, as well as the contracting of multi-currency mortgages.
Handwritten signatures, graphological and document analysis reports
Expert opinions on authenticity or forgery of signatures and handwritten documents.
Verification of the authenticity of documents, reproduction of marks and products, alteration of seals and stamps, documentary alterations, erasures, arrangements and/or modifications.
Verification of authenticity or forgery of identity documents and paper money.

Accountant and asset manager
Determination of the assets that constitute the inheritance, as well as their liquidation.
Management, protection, and control of the patrimonial rights of the parties in judicial proceedings and administration of companies and assets in conflict.
We carry out mediation processes in business, family business, economic, between partners, civil and bankruptcy disputes.

We are specialists in family, economic, accounting, patrimonial, real estate valuations, handwritten signatures, and other types of appraisals.
Contact us
If you would like one of our experts to call you, please fill out the form belowwith a description of your current situation so that we can be able to assist you quickly and efficiently.